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Is afx2daw available for Zen Quadro Synergy Core?

No - afx2daw is not available for Zen Quadro. To use your real-time FX in the DAW, please refer to this article, showing how to set them up as hardware inserts.

Can you connect the Zen Quadro SC to a Thunderbolt port?

Yes – you can connect it to a Thunderbolt 3 or 4 port because they are USB-C compatible. The Quadro will still work as a USB device. Thunderbolt 2 ports are not compatible.

Can the dual USB be used for redundancy in live setups?

Yes - the playback and recording on the two USB ports are independent from one another, so if one computer stops recording, the other one will continue to record. It’s important that both systems use the sample sample rate.

Interrupting the power delivery to the primary USB 1 port may result in the Zen Quadro SC rebooting, which will interrupt the playback/recording process. 

Can I connect and use the OTG functionality with an iPhone / iPad with a Lightning port? 

Yes - to connect to an iPhone with a Lightning port, you need a Camera Kit adapter (not included), because the Lightning port does not support connections in which the Apple device acts as a host (OTG). Since most Apple products with Lightning ports cannot deliver enough power, the Primary USB 1 port must be connected to a USB port or an external power supply, providing at least 5V and at least 1.5A. while the Secondary USB 2 port is connected to the Apple device via the Camera kit adapter:

Can I connect and use the OTG functionality on an iPhone 15 / iPad with a USB-C port?

Yes - with a USB-C to USB-C cable (included). iPhone 15 can provide enough power to run the Zen Quadro SC on itself, but in case of insufficient power delivery from the iPhone/iPad, you can connect the primary USB 1 port to a USB port or an external power supply, providing at least 5V and at least 1.5A.

Can Synergy Core real-time FX be used in the DAW as plugins?

You can use Synergy Core real-time FX as hardware inserts in any DAW, in the same way you would route an external hardware outboard as an insert. Please check out this article for further instructions.

My Zen Quadro SC does not turn on, what should I do?

⦁    If you are using a mobile device only

In case you are trying to use a mobile device only, first make sure you have connected it to the secondary USB 2 port. 

If the Zen Quadro SC still does not boot up or keeps restarting, connect the primary USB 1 port to a separate power supply adapter or to a computer USB port, delivering 5V and at least 1.5A. 

⦁    If you are using with a computer

Zen Quadro Synergy Core is a USB-C bus-powered interface and therefore it requires steady power from the computer ports. It is recommended to use cables no longer than 1.5m (shorter is better) and computer ports such as USB 3, and USB 3.1/USB-C that are located on the motherboard, delivering 5V and at least 1.5A. Even though USB 2.0 ports may still be used, some may not deliver enough power. In such a case, the secondary USB 2 port can be used for additional power supply, connecting it to another USB port or a separate power supply adapter.

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