Discrete 8 Pro Bundle 1.1.2 includes:
Control Panel 1.1.3
Firmware 1.42
Driver 5.0.4 (Windows Only)
Change logs:
- Improved stability & performance of hardware-dependent core system components.
- Updated GUI of the software control panel.
- Redesigned the "Daw" and "Daw Out" tabs.
- Added "Comm interfaces" options in the device hardware - "System Menu".
- Added independent save state for Monitor & Reamp gain values into the session save menu.
- Resolved a bug in the Synergy Core FX handling that caused some effects to be inactive.
- Resolved a bug in the Re-amp / Monitor section which causes inaccurate handling of the graphical widgets that may result in a random force quit of the control panel, when attempting to change the modes.
- Initial USB driver release for Discrete 8 Pro SC.